

Another Sunday, another Lord’s Day passed and here we are on Monday morning. Each week we are fed the Word of God and it’s up to us to take it, apply it to our lives and live it out.  

Prayer – talking to God, thanking Him for our blessings, asking Him to continue to bless us, asking Him to please heal what is broken in our lives, asking Him to grant the desires of our hearts, asking that His will be done in our lives, praying for “our one”.  

I don’t know what order I pray these in, but this is pretty much what I pray.  As some of you have said, I have also ended up with more than one “one”.  But, the sermon this past Sunday took me to another level of what I should pray.

The intercessory prayer to truly see souls saved.  The prayer to see the altars full of people who are so moved that they can’t help but move.  Or, that some right where they stand be changed and encouraged to walk out a different person, more committed to live out the will of God for their lives. The prayer to see the baptismal waters stirred, again and again.

We have to realize that after we pray we have to move.  We have to pray for ourselves to walk out into the world and live in such a way that people see a difference in us.  Maybe they can’t quite put their hand on it, but they know there is something.  

That something is love.  It’s not about hitting them over the head with a Bible or shouting out that they are all sinners headed for hell.  It’s about telling them that I am a sinner and I was headed for hell, but God. 

I know that door is opened when you love on people.  I have witnessed the softening of hearts when we are loving and kind.   I have seen the doorway open where I was able to share Jesus and plant a seed.  We may not see the outcome of these conversations that we personally have with people, but, I know when we see movement in our church services, when we see the waters stirred, this is a response from someone planting a seed, showing a little love and kindness in Jesus name.

It is all
For His glory,

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