
Thank You

Thank You
Last night was our annual youth baked goods auction. This is the one fundraiser that we do each year to help students with upcoming expenses. These funds will go towards all manner of things that the youth do. It will assist with sending our students to camp this summer, supplying odds and ends in the youth room, and more. So, on behalf of all of the students and their families, thank you.

In case you missed it, we auctioned off a massive amount of baked goods last night. We had everything from pies to cakes, cobblers, brownies, cookies, and even a smoked, BBQ meatloaf. All of the desserts (and meat loaf) were sold to the highest bidder, taken to their tables, and shared abroad. In total we were able to raise over $2,500 for our students.

While we can certainly call the fundraiser a success, there is something far more precious that was given last night; time. Nobody has extra time to give away. This is, in my opinion, what makes this event a success. Money comes and goes (though it seems to go a lot faster than it comes I admit) but giving of your time to others makes an impression. Our auction gives the students a clear opportunity to see their church rally behind them with love and support. To see their church family take an evening and give it to them makes an impact on our students in ways that you and I may never know the depth of. So thank you for giving your time. 

Lastly, thank you for your prayers. I know that many of you regularly pray for our students. Without your prayers I do not know where our students would be. Please continue to pray for our students. We can pray that they would know Christ. We can pray that they would be firmly grounded in the faith. We can pray that they would grow into godly young men and women. We can pray that the Lord would use them to take His gospel to their peers. These, and many more, are ways that you and I can continue to pray for the students here at FBC.

So, again, thank you. Thank you for loving our students. Thank you for supporting our students. Thank you for praying for our students. May the Lord be pleased to use your love, support, and prayers in the lives of our students among us, and those to come.

Grace be with you,
C. R. Hamilton

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