
Scholarship Announcement

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Scholarship Announcement
The scholarship committee is requesting love offerings or memorials to fund
scholarships for our deserving students. This offering or memorial may be placed
in an envelope designated to the “Scholarship Fund.”
Ways to give…
Offering Plate
Mail to 200 W. Roundbunch, 77611
Drop off at the office Mon. - Thurs. (7:30-5:30)
Drop in the office mail slot.
www.fbcbc.org ("Giving Online" button, select the Scholarship fund option)
The application is open to FBCBC members, OR regular attendees of FBCBC in
the last 12 months, OR those related to an active member of FBCBC (parents or
grandparents). Applicants must also be pursuing post-secondary education
including technical certificates, associates, bachelors, masters, Phd/doctorate
degrees. Applications may be picked up in the church office and turned
into/emailed to Hannah Landry (scholarship@fbcbc.org) or back to the church office by Sunday, May 5th.

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